
2020 Single Point in Time Count

Thursday Jan 9th, 2020

Erie County Single Point in Time Count

January 24, 2020

We need your help to make sure our most vulnerable are not forgotten. Volunteer for the Unsheltered Street Count, January 24th, 9 pm through 3 am.

2 shifts available: 9 pm—12:30 am and 12:30 am to 3 am
Assemble at the VA Medical Center, Building #8 at 9pm for street count overview.

For more information or to volunteer, contact George Fickenworth, Mercyhurst Civic Institute, at, or
Mike Wehrer, VA Medical Center, at

  • Unsheltered
  • Emergency Shelters
  • Transitional Housing
  • Permanent Supportive
  • Housing

Direct Service Housing Providers:

Look for more information soon regarding the data collection process of those residing in your programs the night of the Single Point in Time Count.