
Emergency Food and Shelter Funding

Wednesday Apr 20th, 2022

United Way of Erie County serves as a required member of the Erie County Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) Board. The Emergency Food and Shelter Program was established on March 24, 1983, with the signing of the "Jobs Stimulus Bill," Public Law 98-8. That legislation created the National Board which is chaired by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and includes several social service organizations in addition to United Way. Phased funding has continued the establishment of the EFSP.

This year the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPAR) comes into effect.

Most recently, for Phase 39 here in Erie County, $136,660 was allocated. For ARPAR here in Erie County, $422,384 was allocated. Funds have been granted by the local EFSP Board to the following local organizations that met program criteria and submitted compelling applications.

On behalf of the local Emergency Food and Shelter Board, we are pleased to announce the following organizations have been approved for funding as follows:

Phase 39:
$5,000 to Saint Martin's Center for their utilities program
$25,000 to Saint Martin’s Center for their rent and mortgage program
$49,000 to the Salvation Army Erie for their hotel/motel program
$56,3000 to Second Harvest Food Bank of NW PA for their food assistance program
$1,360 to United Way of Erie County for their role as Funding Process Administrator

$5,000 to Saint Martin’s Center for their utilities program
$25,000 to Saint Martin’s Center for their rent and mortgage program
$20,000 to the Salvation Army Erie for their hotel/motel program
$368,161 to Second Harvest Food Bank of NW PA for their food assistance program
$4,223.00 to United Way of Erie County for their role as Funding Process Administrator