
United Way of Erie County’s Bi-Annual 211 Helpline Trend Report

Monday Aug 30th, 2021

United Way of Erie County has evolved from its roots as a fundraising organization to a critical community impact organization mobilizing local partners - including businesses, community leaders and residents - to break the cycle of poverty and expand opportunities for people to become self-sufficient. One of the ways we approach impact work is through United Way's 211 Helpline. Individuals in need can contact a trained resource navigator and receive referrals to agencies near them by simply dialing 211.  

As agencies, organizations, employers, and government officials continue to share the value of 211 in our community, we know that sharing data can better equip the county to meet the needs of its citizens. United Way will be producing trend reports like this on a bi-annual basis. We hope that by shedding light on the needs individuals in Erie County are facing, our community can work together to better meet those needs and address gaps. Data included in this trend report includes statistics sent by 211 coordinators to United Way, and direct data pulls from PA 211 Counts.  

Check out United Way of Erie County's Bi-Annual 211 Helpline Trend Report