
Celebrating Improvements in School Attendance

Friday Dec 13th, 2024

attendance pic

United Way of Erie County is proud to shine the spotlight on significant progress in student attendance and chronic absenteeism among many of our community schools for the 2023-24 school year. We are seeing an encouraging trend of improvement, with 70% of our elementary schools reporting a decrease in chronic absenteeism from the previous school year. On average, schools have achieved a 4% reduction in chronic absenteeism compared to 2022-2023.

Both Diehl Elementary and Grover Cleveland Elementary have shown consistent decreases in chronic absenteeism over the past two years, demonstrating their continued commitment to improving attendance and supporting student engagement.

diehl numbers

gc numbers

Several other United Way community schools have also shown strong improvement over the past year (2022-23 to 2023-24). These schools are making great strides in reducing absenteeism, with some showing a decrease of over 4%.




These improvements reflect the hard work of the community school directors, teachers, staff, and families in supporting students and addressing the barriers that contribute to absenteeism.


United Way of Erie County, in partnership with Erie's Public Schools, is committed to maintaining the momentum gained in many United Way schools to improve student attendance. We will continue to work closely with schools, families, and the community to provide the support and resources necessary for all students to succeed and remain engaged in school.